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The main component of muscle fibres (myfibrils) is protein. Proteins are made up of 20 different (so-called proetinogenic) amino acids.

During sport and physical exercise, the proteins that make up the muscle fibres are damaged (so-called micro-tears). To heal this, an inflammatory process occurs, during which the inflammatory cells digest (catabolize) the damaged muscle fibres and new protein is produced (synthesized) to replace them. - This also explains the muscle aches. The processes of protein synthesis (building) and protein catabolism (breaking down) occur in parallel in our body.

The main requirement for muscle building is that protein synthesis is positive, i.e. more new protein is built than is broken down - a growing number of studies are finding that even a calorie surplus is not necesarily required to build muscle, so with the right diet and training protocol, you can increase muscle and reduce fat mass at the same time.

With adequate protein intake, stimulating muscle growth can help preserve muscle during weight loss. Adequate protein intake is essential for all people. 

However, it is not as high as many people think. For athletic individuals, no more than 1.5-2 grams* of tskg protein per day is needed. If you play sports very hard, aim for the upper limit. However, above this, studies report no extra effect, just unnecessary strain on the digestive system. It is also not reasonable to change these values during weight loss and weight gain. For an 80 kilogram man who is a hard athlete: 160 grams of protein.

For many people it is difficult to get that much protein from food. That's why protein powders and protein shakes are convinient and delicious. Their servings provide 20-25 grams of muscle-building protein.

Available in many forms, we also offer protein for vegans and lactose intolerant people.